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♥ Friday, June 29, 2007 @ 11:06 PM
so long never post llerhhs . donno wad tuhh post oso . haha !! ^^ haiishh ~ now training not verii tired !! n my speed deproved so much liao !! haiishh ~ budd will train one !! (: competition iishh arnd the corner liao , next thursday jiu start the competition liao !! donno how ii will do during the competition llehhs !! abit scared scared . haha <: nowadays my mood was verii verii bad . donno why eh . sorry tuhh yanru , hannah , cuitian n meeteng tat today at food court , my mood was so bad n didnt enjoy wibb yoo all !! cux im really tired llerhhs . don wanna cared anything now !! SORRY !! ^^ hope yoo all wont mind now dderhs miie !! next time ii will laugh like last time like tat dderhhs !! haha . like last time dderhhs cwazy gurll like tat !! haha . k post till here llerhhs . next time post again budd donno when free tuhh post !! haha (: |
♥ Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 1:11 AM
so long never post llerhhs . today ii post oso becux ofb the eileen !! haiishh~ cant stand her arhhs !! always wann miie update !! haha . always bully miie still wann miie post tuhh let her see (: this few days only working llorhhs . budd on june 20 n 21 when ii was working tat was so fun !! haha . on 20th jervis they all come suntec find us . budd only rebecca , yy n miie go back home together . before we go back home , we took some pics !! haha . first time take pic wibb yy . llols . on 21st oso working llorhhs . on 21st yanru came back from malaysia llerhhs . we nearly quarrelled becuz ofbb someone . budd she iishh my closest friiend so at last never quarrelled arhhs !! haha (: on 22nd oso work budd not wibb yy n reb , its wibb yanru . haha . so long never work wibb her . cux she go malaysia . llols . dhhen todae ii went lot one find yanru , dhhen saw eileen in bus 302 , actually meeting her n xiaobai oso . haha . we go eat dhhen shop shop awhile dhhen miie n yanru went tuhh teckyee house n play mahjong . budd ii not playing dhhen yanru lose only 50cents . haha . after tat we go play basketball . today we had a fun day at old court !! ((: post thhose pics now : wad a stupid face !! haha (: looks like mickey mouse . budd 1 ear big dhhen 1 ear small !! llols (: like monkey face llorhhs !! haha (: rebecca's retarted face llorhhs !! haha (: its us again !! lloves them !! ((: EILEEN II POST LIAO !! HAPPIIE MARHS ?? HAHA !! |
♥ Monday, June 18, 2007 @ 11:12 PM
16 june : afternoon ii went tuhh watch movie wibb yy n rebecca !! we watched the men in white . the show was quite lame !! haha . after tat evening went tuhh old court tuhh celebrate philana's birthdae !! it was quite fun !! everiione was full ofb chocolate n flour !! after tat they started playing water in the shelter !! llols . after awhile some ofb them went home . left some ofb us , we were chatting along at the shelter there . arnd 12am plus dhhen we went home !! n ii showered for arnd half n hours tuhh get rid ofb the flour !! omg its not flour , it become dough !! can go bake biscuits liao !! LOLS ~ we took quite alot ofbb pictures !! later post it out !! 17 june : tat dae ii sleep until 5pm plus dhhen ii woke up !! it was so shiok cux ii habb been a long time ii had never slept for such a long hours !! haha ((: arnd 6plus dhhen ii go old court looked for xiaobai cux their family had a BBQ session !! cux tat dae iishh FATHER's DAE !! play basketball for awhile dhhen arnd 9pm plus dhhen went tuhh my godma house . dhhen arnd 1am plus jiu went home liao . shower llerhhs dhhen watch VCD , twins mission !! ii long waited tuhh watch this show !! haha . after tat arnd 3am plus jiu go sleep liao !! 18 june : todae actually got track n field training !! budd dhhen ii overslept . hannah sorry tuhh let yoo wait dhhen at last never go !!! so sorry !! after tat arnd 9am plus wake up dhhen go meet qian n jiahui . we headed tuhh mdc !! took some photos there too !! n we were crapping at the mdc !! quite fun todae !! ((: arnd 5pm plus jiu went home liao !! ii reached home arnd 7pm jus tuhh watch yuan dian !! its last episode llerhhs !! haha . dhhen arnd 9pm plus dhhen shower cux 8pm stil habb tuhh watch campus superstar !! ((: after tat jiu waited for xian tuhh let miie use the laptop . kiies post the photos out now . (: photos for 16 june : ![]() philana's burfdae cake !! ![]() ![]() ![]() ghost faces !!
photos for 18 june : ![]() ![]() miie n agnes !! sheRAWKS !! (: ![]() wilson n miie !! ((: ![]() |
♥ Friday, June 15, 2007 @ 1:16 AM
13th june : early in the morning wake up dhhen headed tuhh alijunied wibb ahxian , timyee , alicia , ahhui , liqun , xiaobai , kayfun , jiemin n miie !! go for the competition again !! today iishh fighting for the plate !! we did quite well for all matches only the first match !! we lost by 1 mark !! becux ofb tat 1 mark dhhen we never get first n we got second !! haiishh ~ nevermind llarhhs . got second iishh quite good liao !! we took some pictures there !! haha . after tat we went back yew tee n arnd 5 plus miie n xiaobai went tuhh alicia house n play mahjong . wibb alicia n jie min . we played till 7 plus dhhen go play basketball . dhhen miie n xiaobai said abt jiemin dhhen she angry n walked away !! we were so scared n we sms her n say SORRY tuhh her !! hope she wont mind !! after tat jiu acc alicia buy dinner dhhen go home liao . dhhen ii still walked tuhh yewtee n fetch yanru cux she scared ofbb coming home allone !! haiishh ~ such a little girl n always niidd miie acc her !! haha . after tat jiu go home sleep liao !! 14th june : today went for work wibb yanru . nothing happen much today . our sales was bad !! 50 plus nia !! haiishh ~ our sales iishh getting lousier n lousier !! hope the boss wont fired us !! haha . dhhen todae the guy tat jio yanru , he treated us soda !! its was quite nice n we thought there's alcohol inside budd he said there isnt any alcohol !! haha . donno llarhhs . during 9pm dhhen we packed things jiu take mrt home liao . tmr yanru goiinq malaysia liao !! wish her yi lu shun feng !! haha . will miss her lloads lloads one !! llols . k show yoo all some pics now : we got 1st runner up !! means we get second !! ((: ![]() we the basketballers !! |
♥ Monday, June 11, 2007 @ 10:57 PM
todae iishh such a tiring dae !! only slept for 3 hours dhhen habb tuhh wake up n go for a basketball competition !! haiishh ~ we all meet early in the morning dhhen went tuhh basketball association there at arnd aljunied there !! haha . after the competition arnd 1245pm ii went tuhh mdc tuhh find qian n jia hui . we waited for hours at there . suddenly jiahui looking at the stairs there n said LINGYI !!! OMG !!! ii shock tuhh see her there !! ii was so happiie llorhhs !! llols . budd cant take photo cux she said tat she late . after tat CSS2 dderhs contestants come liao . some only llarhhs . haha . dhhen we took photos wibb them . after tat they acc miie wait for xu bin budd he never come . so sad ~ dhhen we r toking abt how tuhh take photos . so lame llorhhs !! llols . dhhen after awhile nat came !! today really saw loads ofb superstars there !! haha . after tat we jiu go home liao lo . dhhen ii reach yew tee jiu saw jiemin n kay fun . they told miie xiaobai n alicia was at old court so ii headed there n find them budd after awhile ii jiu go home watch tv liao !! after tat jiu here posting !! haha ~ sian tmr still niidd work !! dhhen wed still got competition !! haiishh ~ so tired !! haha . post pics now : ![]() after the competition !! ![]() miie n chio bu agnes !! ((:
♥ Sunday, June 10, 2007 @ 1:11 AM
todae go work in the early morning !!! damn tired llorhhs !! meet yanru 9 plus dhhen ii 8 plus jiu wake up liao !! so tired llehhs !! haiishh ~ bo bian !! habb tuhh work . dhhen today donno why yanru suddenly sick dhhen ii called her tuhh rest dhhen ii do all the work . see she sick dhhen ii never bully her one , next time she alright liao dhhen iie bully her . HAHA !!! ((: todae one ofb the ride spoil dhhen a senior staff come help us repair . the senior staff quite good llehhs , after he goes , he bought us some food without us saying n paying him back the money !! haha . after work we jiu go home liao . cux yanru fever . haiishh ~ so poor thing , work until half dhhen sick . Got tagged by hannah to do the 6 weird things(: Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged to be tagged and list their names. 1. cant rmb things tat ppl jus told miie xD 2. sae damn lloads ofb lame things !! 3. when laugh , my eyes iishh almost 1 line ((: 4. daydreaming 5. can sleep for almost 20hrs !! 6. can tied my hair for a long time !! xD thhose unlucky ppl : 1. yanru 2. eileen 3. adeline 4. suzanne 5. xingyi 6. melissa k jiu post till here llerhhs !! everyone take kaiires !! ((: |
♥ Thursday, June 7, 2007 @ 2:16 AM
todae iishh JERJER's BIRTHDAE !!!!! HAPPIIE BIRTHDAE TUHH HER !!! had fun in sentosa today !! today we go sentosa play play , the we refers tuhh " jervis , adelinetoh , jun le , jia ying , zaim , xin min , kangqii , qian , one more malay boy budd donno how tuhh spell his name still got kahyan n miie " !! we reach there dhhen some ofbb us rent bicycles !! donno why at first some ofbb them was feeling moody . haiishh ~ dhhen we eat llerhhs , qii , qian n miie went cycling . we cycled from siloso beach tuhh palawan beach !! n we saw jiahui they all !! their gang got jiahui , cherlyn , singyin , huiying , caijun n some guys . we at the middle ofb the road shouting her n there !! haha . so fun arhhs !! llols . they were so wet dhhen they keep making us till wet too !! THEY SO QIAN DA !! haha ~ dhhen we cycled back tuhh return our bikes !! we didnt know tat we had rent 1 more hour liao . dhhen we quarrelled wibb the uncle !! cux he told jer iishh tat time rent dhhen at last the uncle said iishh tat time finish budd not rent !! so qian da . after tat we go back beach n we took photos !! haha ~ dhhen qii qian n miie jiu go home first liao ! we go home arnd 545 like tat . after tat ii 8pm go play basketball !! tat ii felt so moody tat time , maybe im too tired or wad ba !! haiishh ~ so sorrii tat ifb im too EMO jus now !! n ytd my SPECS SPOIL !! irritating !! haiishh ~ pictures time now : miie n qian !! OMG my eyes iishh small !! hole made by adeline's gang . weiiQIqian !!! ((: MY NAME !! kangqii wrote it !! us wibb the birthdae gurll !! JERqianQIweii ((: |
♥ Wednesday, June 6, 2007 @ 12:05 AM
today so tired !!! got tuhh work together wibb YAN RU !!! haha . early in the morning niidd go school for AMATHS LESSON !! dhhen the teacher so late dhhen dismiss us llorhhs !!! SUCKER !!! after tat go home change dhhen meet yanru !! we go SUNTEC work !!! we go suntec together wibb cui tian , from 1pm work till 930pm !!! we got 71 rides !! quite good liao !! haha . we 2 take pics when we r boring !!! the work quite fun arhhs budd quite tiring oso !! llols . post thhose pics now : tats miie on the same cutie pig !! haha . yanru on the fierce leopard !! yanru again on the giraffe !! |