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♥ Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 10:17 PM
ii forgotten wad happened in school todae llerhhs !! ii really got a serious STM !! LOLS . daryl came back school today . almost 6 mths never saw him llerhhs . still the same budd thhink he become more guaii liaos . play the rugby cum captain ball game during PE times . so fun llorhhs !! my team keep winning arhhs . on tat time we lose dhhen we get back into the cafeteria, dhhen the other 2 teams played . dhhen suddenly rained !! hahaha xD my team was so lucky llorhhs . didnt get into the rain . LOLS . after tat forgot wad happened liaos . dhhen after school got tuhh go OLD FOLKS HOME for CIP HOURS !! go there arnd 230 plus . dhhen it was so boring dere budd quite slack-ed arhhs . so slacked oso can get CIP HOURS !! hahaha :D dhhen arnd 5pm plus reached school . dhhen kang, kaiying n miie went home together . dhhen we sent kang home, kaiying come my home slacked . cux she don wann go home too early !! she ah lian llarhhs !! LOLS jkjk . let her see later she scold miie again !! HAHAHA :D we do alot stupid things arhhs . dhhen she came home arnd 7pm . dhhen miie jiu watched tv, showered dhhen use laptop !! kiies PICTURES TIME : qian ;; miie n kaiying !! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
@ 1:12 PM
todae at school quite fun llehhs, especially during the last period which iishh CE . morning dderhs lesson all so BORING !! still the same arhhs !! got one thing, my chinese teacher, MDM LIN which iishh oso my LEO CLUB teacher in charge . she finally kick miie out ofb the LEO CLUB as all meeting ii never go once before !! dhhen today she damn angry still said wad she must kick miie out liaos !! dhhen ii was so HAPPIIE AND SHUANG llorhhs !! finally she kick miie out !! LOLS . who heck care tat she kick miie out or wad arhhs !! more freedom kiies ?? HAHAS :D during CE period, mr azman n ms koh gibb the class a chocolate each . they still said wad our class did really made them heart broken alot ofb times budd we LV 33 was so united n won the soccer !! they were so proud ofb us !! ms koh still say us behaving so good now !! she praised us llehhs !! FINALLY (: after skul feel abit moody arhhs . oso donno why, maybe felt abit tired or sian barhs . todae the wellness thingy, did played well budd ii was so angry wibb one ofb the guys !! he was so action llorhhs !! WTF !! my shooting was like WTH, so good llorhhs !! dhhen he said wad aiya track n field one all TYCO !! wad he meant by saying tat !! SHIT HIM . at least my shooting iishh better than him kiies ?? FUCKER !! he comfirm never brush teeth dhhen come school, ifb not why his mouth STINK !! today never played wibb thhose GB gurlls during the basketball !! they were so funny, especially the sherry, keep holding my hand when ii came, aiya cant blame llarhhs, she misses miie too much llerhhs !! LOLS :D during track training, ii was so MOODY can !! we played something like captain ball plus rugby !! donno wad tat game iishh called llarhhs !! tats was really interesting can . after training, went yew tee slack wibb thhose sec 2s . yanru said a LAME LAME LAME joke !! tat cuitian,hannah n miie was not laughing at her joke budd at her LAUGHTER !! her laughter iishh getting funnier n funnier !! LOLS . reached home arnd 7pm . watched tv dhhen shower jiu play laptop liaos . kiies post till here !! (: |
♥ Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 9:35 AM
firstly WISH ADELINE A HAPPIIE BIRTHDAE !! this iishh the third time ii wished her !! hahahaha xD todae was so sian llorhhs !! ii sms 3 ppls n ask whether wad time the top20 reporting !! no one reply at all !! dhhen miie n kangqi jiu cant go see them report llorhhs !! sadded !! :( really miss them llorhhs .. so long din get tuhh see them, cux always go there dhhen miss them . sian-ed ... today slept till 4pm lidat . cux really boring till ii keep on sleeping . woke up llerhhs, eat my lunch dhhen watched VCD . watched finish VCD jiu use laptop llerhs lo . later 730pm must rmb tuhh watch 校園 SUPERSTAR !! KEELY !!! jiayou for later although cant go there tuhh see yoo perform budd will at home support yoo !! JIAYOU !!! miss KEE, ZIJIE, XUBIN so much llorhhs !! so long din see them !! OMG :( kiies gtg llerhhs . blog again next time !! :D ytd forgotten tuhh post some pictures !! ytd during chinese class : ![]()
@ 12:36 AM
KEELY WEE iishh the GIRLS CHAMPION for the campus superstar !!! althought she's not the overall CHAMP budd she really did verii good tonight !! she's always a CHAMPION in her fans heart !!! KEELY JIAYOU !! although shawn win keely . budd shawn jus a 13 years old boii ! n he did great job today too !! shawn jiayou oso !! (: OHH MARCUS why yoo cut yr hair till so short ?? its doesnt suit yoo llehhs !! haha (: not like last time tat shuaii liaos . LOLS actually ii post again !! cux im too boring at home liaos !! only miie the 1 at home !! no one else , ya only a dog !! so boriinq !! sian-ed n sadded !! haiishh ~ kiies post till here llerhhs . |
♥ Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 2:21 AM
todae nothing much happened in school !! budd got one thing iishh tat MR KHOR CONFISCATED MY MAGAZINE !!! WTH llorhhs !!! still say wad don bargain so much !! SUCKS llarhhs !! dhhen still sae wad last day ofb this term dhhen return miie the magazine !! wahh ii scared he spoil it or wad !! confiscated nevermind budd don spoil it !! ifb he spoil some parts ofb it, iie gonna make him pay for it !! FUCK llorhhs !! noting happened much llerhhs . after school went tuhh watched basketball match . my school C division GIRLS got into the NATIONAL FINALS !! omg they were great !! haha . although they lost in the finals, budd they got second in NATIONAL llehhs !! LOLS . we was all screaming like hell llorhhs . after tat took the school bus back tuhh school dhhen went tuhh mac wibb yanru n hannah . ii was so hungry llorhhs . whole day din eat anything !! finally can go eat something !! haha :D after awhile crystal came n look for us !! we chatted chatted dhhen jiu went home wibb hannah n yanru liaos budd miie n yanru went tuhh oldcourt tuhh find xiaobai . cux she allone there playing basketball . arnd 7pm lidat miie n yanru went home . ii jus go back tuhh change shorts plus shoes . dhhen went down play again !! im so dulan wibb thhose soccer players llorhhs . kick until us so manii times . dhhen call them play half court dhhen let us play the other half court oso cannot !! so demanding for wad ?? tats a basketball court oso not soccer field !! STUPID llarhhs . after tat arnd 11pm go yewtee find phil they all n xiaobai friiends . arnd 1am plus we jiu went home liaos . dhhen shower liaos jiu at here blogging !! hahas :D kiies blog till here llerhhs . ahru !! now really nothing liaos !! don thhink too much kiies ?? ii know yoo got allot ofb yr own problems liaos . don wanna add some more thing tuhh yoo !! lidat yoo will burst arhhs !! haha . ii habb let thhose things behind llerhhs, maybe tat time really verii angry llorhhs . cux treated yoos as my real real true friiend, dhhen yoo lied tuhh miie so manii times . sure will feel angry budd now nvm liaos llarhhs !! kiies ? (: |
♥ Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 9:21 PM
todae was such a happiie dae !! duriing school times, ii was so nervous abt the interclass soccer competition !! REALLY budd ii din show tat ii was so nervous !! HAHA :D after skul got the competition !! my team got siewyu, siewsia, mizah, wangying, wanzhen, sakinah, nilah, wiyah, elaine n miie !! 1st match was playing against LV36, actually total score iishh 0-0 budd sakinah penalty shot !! n she goal !! OMG she saved us !! after tat played wibb LV32, which iishh the class we don wanna played wibb !! cux LV32 iishh our good friiends !!! our score iishh 3-2, we won budd LV32 still cheer for us for the following matches !! mizah got 1 free goal shot !! TAT WAS REALLY NICE !! LOLS :D after tat iishh played against LV38, which iishh xin min class . this class was quite strong !! got one indian girl keep pulling my hand n not tuhh let miie get the ball, dhhen ii say verii loud " OI " !! dhhen she say sorry sorry sorry !! haha xD we won too budd ii forgotten the score !! LOLS after tat the last match which iishh against LV39 !! allot ppl say tat LV39 was a violent one !! dhhen ii told my team tuhh play violent wibb them ifb they started violent !! got a gal kick my leg till so hard llorhhs !! dhhen iie jus scolded her " TMD don kick legs llehhs " . she looked so scared ! LOLS dhhen everyone call miie tuhh calm down !! at first ofb the match !! someone scored one goal, budd ii forgotten iishh wiyah or mizah liaos !! dhhen the second goal iishh from miie !! hahaha xD finally ii goal one !! LOLS after all the match the score iishh 2-0 !! we were so happiie !! jumping around n hugging each other !! our class did a great JOB !!! thanks tuhh my team !! wahahahas !!! we took a class photo dhhen ii go find yanru, hannah n liying . dhhen after they cut their hair jiu went home llerhhs !! SO HAPPIIE TODAY !! so long din feel so happiie llerhhs ! LV 33 GOT THE CHAMPION !! GIRLS PLUS GUYS !! WE GOT THE FIRST !!! |
♥ Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 10:50 PM
today duriinq PE tats damn fun !! really so fun !! we keep laughing all the way !! LOLS . today got 2 tests ! EMATHS n PHYSICS !! maths was really difficult !! 1st time thhink maths so difficult !! LOLS physics was so EASY !! LOLS . after school went tuhh mdc !! before school all things was so alright !! budd when we was on the way tuhh the mdc !! so many unlucky things happened ! qian dderhs ezlink card no money, dhhen when we taking the bus tuhh mdc, we helped her cheat, so we don habb tuhh tap the card . dhhen on the way, ii was jus saying abt tat time philana never tap card dhhen got ppl come check . dhhen suddenly a old guy came in . n check ppl whether got tap card !!! ii was so nervous llorhhs, dhhen told qian tat got ppl come check llehhs !! wah so sian-ed cux ii jus say finish the thing abt philana dhhen got ppl came in n check !! dhhen still got 2 more stops we goiinq tuhh get down . dhhen qian too nervous n said another stop we goiinq down liaos . dhhen we get down, dhhen miie n qian rushed there dhhen wanzhen n kaiying slow slow walk . dhhen we reached there, someone told miie tat keely n benjamin went in 5 min before !! WAHH II WAS TOTALLY SIAN-ED !! iie go there iishh tuhh see the 2 ofb them dhhen they went in 5 min before ii reached !! WAHH II SO ANGRY N SAD llorhhs !! haiishh ~ dhhen after tat ppl was painting the wall, dhhen qian dderhs leg kanna the white paint !! wahh she oso verii suay todae !! LOLS . dhhen after tat still got alot things happened ! don wanna say llarhhs, so unlucky todae !! wahh . after tat miie n kaiying went tuhh lot one popular !! we did something stupid there . LOLS :D dhhen after tat go food court eat eat dhhen jiu went home . wad happened today jus so UNLUCKY !! qian dderhs leg kanna white paint !! LOLs :D ![]() shawn !! he look cute today !! ![]() WILSON PARKING !! kangqi loves this pic !!! cux got WILSON !! llols (: thursday got INTERCLASS SOCCER !! donno my class can win anot !! budd must try our best !! HAHAHAHA xD every sec 3 whose playing !! JIAYOU (: |
♥ Sunday, August 19, 2007 @ 8:36 PM
todae woke up arnd 10am plus . dhhen go prepare, until arnd 1115am . dhhen headed tuhh plaza sing tuhh watch CSS2 auto session . reached there arnd 12pm plus . ii meet up wibb keely fans . dhhen arnd 3pm they all came !!! beside miie dderhs iishh huixian dderhs fans !! OMG they all are damn irritating !! fcuk llorhhs !!! haiishh ~ took quite alot pics todae !! AH TODAE SAW KEELY N ZIJIE !! ytd never saw them at mdc budd today saw them so nevermind !! haha xD they signed for arnd 2 hours llehhs . quite good liao llarhhs, they campus dderhs, already verii good !! haha . after tat we go meet wibb keely's mother . her mother so cute, she verii friendly !! LOLS . after tat we stand there tuhh see the CSS2 TOP 10 until 6pm lidat, dhhen see them walked away dhhen jiu took mrt home llerhhs . actually wann go MDC tuhh wait them out, budd they arnd 10pm tuhh 12am lidat dhhen will come up so ii decided not tuhh go wait . haha (: reached home, after showered jiu cook for my BAOBEII BROWNIE eat, dhhen jiu use the laptop liao . later 9pm habb tuhh watch LINGYI dderhs show !! haha kiies post the pics !! marcus drawing his water bottle !! LOLS ZIJIE so keaii !! ^^ ![]() ![]() ![]() AGNES !! budd abit blur . their signature on the magazine !! signature ofb KEELY !! KEELY JIAYOU FOR THE FINALS !!! YOO RAWKS !! |
@ 2:05 AM
pics for friday :D pics for todae :D
miie wibb yuyang !! (:
THE FIREWORKS !! :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
@ 1:49 AM
fridae (: oso forgotten wad happened in school todae . ii only rmb after school went tuhh cut hair wibb rebecca n jervis . before tat jer go for her piano lesson dhhen miie n reb go mac sllack sllack first . at there saw alot ppl, dhhen we started playing !! LOLS . after tat meet jer liaos, go jurong west cut hair !! we did alot stupid stunts in the salon !! OMG . so dui lian !! haha xD after tat arnd 7pm we took cab home, dhhen 830pm go old court . actually tot todae can play basketball dderhs !! budd xiaobai never come dhhen no basketball tuhh play !! sian-ed =x dhhen sat there till arnd 1030pm jiu went home liao . saturday (: early in the morning went tuhh mdc wibb kaiying, kangqii n jiahui . when miie kaiying n kangqi walking tuhh yew tee suddenly rained !!! wahh we got drenched llorhhs, dhhen go toilet make make hair, dhhen meet jiahui liao, go buy lunch dhhen we took cab tuhh the mdc . todae saw quite alot CSS1 n 2 !!! budd today miss KEELY n ZIJIE !! haiishh ~ budd ii saw someone !!! TATS XUBIN !! he so shuaii llorhhs !! OMG ~ after waiting for them dhhen we headed back tuhh toa payoh tuhh eat, after eating at there slack for awhile . dhhen miie, jiahui n singyin went tuhh city hall . we walked tuhh esplanade there tuhh find biru n yijia . at there ii saw rebecca . haha xD dhhen arnd 8pm plus tuhh 9pm go see the fireworks !! AH THE FIREWORKS IISHH DAMN NICE !!! after tat arnd 1120pm took bus back wibb jiahui n biru . reached bukit panjang dhhen miie n jiahui alight . dhhen ii tot no lrt n mrt liao dhhen ii took cab back home . ii reached home dhhen biru told miie tat still got mrt cux todae extend the time for the FIREWORKS thingy !! haiishh miie too unlucky liaos llarhhs !! LOLS . after shower dhhen jiu use laptop liaos (: |
♥ Friday, August 17, 2007 @ 11:34 PM
thursday(: forgot wad happened during school times, sure iishh nothing interesting happened tats why ii forgot !! LOLS :D after school went tuhh cabin wibb qian, qi, rebecca, kaiying and wanzhen . after awhile wanzhen n yiqian go liao . dhhen after half an hour lidat ii meet jiahui at yew tee !! acc her tuhh eat her lunch !! dhhen sneak in my school !! cux she nothing tuhh do dhhen come find us !! after awhile yiqian jiu come back liao . we were playing like siao cha bor inside the cabin budd nevermind oso !! LOLS (: after tat we talked abt ghost stories and say alot things abt ghost thingy !! like so scary llorhhs !! OMG cux now iishh the seventh month llehhs, better don talked too much !! haha xD arnd 6pm we jiu go home liao . reached home shower, watched tv dhhen jiu forgotten wad ii do liao !! kiies post til here . this table in cabin only has 2 legs !!! 2 BROKEN !! LOLS :D ii tmr dhhen post things abt todae !! (: |
♥ Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ 9:18 PM
donno wad tuhh post actually !! haiishh ~ really habb no mood tuhh post !!! tmr still got SS test !! today never go training again =x todae we 5 face tuhh face talk llerhhs ! finally, last time iishh use letter tuh solve problems !! budd now iishh face tuhh face talk liao !! jus don like the feelings tuhh quarrelled wibb friiends !! REALLY !! :( last time we r so cllose !! dhhen now like hiies-bye friiends lidat !! haiishh ~ hope tuhh be last time !! we 5 were so cllose !! no quarrelling all this !! how ii wish tat in my life there's something call "BACKSPACE" !!! back tuhh last time !! how cllose r we ?? ii hope tuhh be like last time nd not now !! miss the times when we 5 r together, SO CLOSE !!! n now iishh like we 3 ofb us together, n 2 ofb yoos all together !! we habb separated into half !! don like tuhh be like this !! tats really a BAD feeling . feel so moody now !! haiishh ~ really feel like crying !! jus cry tuhh myself !! maybe cry out will feel better allot !! kiies post till here llerhhs !!! :D |
♥ Tuesday, August 14, 2007 @ 9:33 PM
tudae was such a quarrelling dae !! haiishh ~ in class oso quarrelled !! cllose friiends oso quarrelled !! sian-ed -.- after skul went tuhh causeway tuhh watch SECRET wibb yiqian, kaiying, kangqi n jiahui !! we were the most noisest in the theatre !! OMG ~ we laughed so loud !! cux some parts was really funniie !! budd some parts was so touching, n everyone was so concentrated watching the show !! touching till kangqi cried !! LOLS :D after tat kaiying n kangqi went home first . dhhen we go washed photo . the auntie was so attitude llorhhs !! we were deciding whether wann tuhh wash 3R or 4R !! the auntie keep interupt us n yiqian jus say aiya 3R llarhhs !! wathe auntie so fierce for wad ?! like someone owned her 100 million lidat !! F. up !! todae already like volcano erupted liao ! the auntie still gibb this kind ofb attitude !! WAHH !! sian-ed !!! really verii sian !!! after tat went back yew tee, dhhen go meet yanru n hannah at yew tee mac !! dhhen arnd 6 plus we walked home together . dhhen jiu go home showered, watched tv jiu use com llerhhs !! kiies post till here llerhhs !! |
♥ Monday, August 13, 2007 @ 11:17 PM
SUNDAY(: morning went tuhh mdc wibb qian !! actually kaiying oso goiinq one budd she's injured !! so ke lian arhhs !! hahaha xD we both was so dui lian at the mdc llorhhs !! OMG haiishh ~ long long story !! after tat arnd 130pm we went back tuhh TOA PAYOH mrt station !! cux she wann tuhh eat her lunch !! after eating we headed back liao !! ii reached home dhhen my uncles they all came here tuhh talked wibb my daddie !! LOLS dey got so much tuhh talk abt !! hahaha xD ii oso forgotten wad ii did after tat liao !! ii only rmb ii watched LINGYI's show at 9pm . dhhen went tuhh sleep liao !! MONDAY(: today skul was quite fun llarhhs !! we all at class joked around till cwaziie !! LOLS dhhen miie n qian talked abt our funniie things happened in MDC on sunday !! today the POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE( one ofb our teacher ) treated us so good !!! donno why llehhs !! MIRACLE man ~ hahahaha xD after skul got wellness dhhen got track n field !! todae track n field was so fun man !! we play captain ball !! budd tat ball weigh 1kg !! tats was heavy when we throw !! n ii fall down got abit scratches !! haiishh use tuhh it llerhhs !! so it was not pain at all !! llols :D todae got something stupid happened during track n field !! LAZY TUHH SAY !! aftet track we all stayed in school tuhh chit chat !! after tat YANRU, HANNAH n miie chatted so much !!! habb a great chit chat wibb them !! haha xD after tat jiu went home tuh watched TV llerhhs !! kiies post till here llerhhs !!! SHAWN !!! keaii didi !!
yanru n hannah !! don be sad anymore llerhhs !! yoos 2 gurlls CHEER UP kiies ?? jiayou !! got allot peeps arnd yoo all !! like miie yr GOOD SENIOR !! hahahaha xD ifb got anything jus talked tuhh someone !! as for hannah, jus heck care HER !! yoo shld know whose the gurll !! LOLS :D as for yanru, yoo must try tuhh forget him !! he really not worth yoo tuhh shed so much tears for him !! yoo 2 TAKE KAIIRES arhhs !! (: |