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♥ Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 11:08 PM
I didnt really know what to blog abt.. LOL! I'm abit too sian so i post.. btw, finally I dont have to work! haha! BUT i have to go back to school very soon! omg! study study & study again!! going to party world tmr.. btw REB, YIQIAN & JERVIS!! I'm sorry that I cant go kbox with you all.. cause i forgot my sis called me to go party world tmr! so sorry!! next time le, will have the chance one! hehe ((: cya in school le!! heeee :D I'm waiting for my younger sis to use hao another laptop.. I want to watch little nyonya.. I cant watch in this laptop!! && the last episode is out already!! haha! I'm left with only 4 episodes! oh & sorry that I cant post the pictures now.. cause this laptop dont have any of those photos!! sorry sorry sorry!! okay gtg now! byebyebye!! ((: |
@ 2:59 AM
HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY TO LUOHANTOU MEIMEI, IVY!!! haha!! it's going to year 2009 then you 15 years old!! hai.. so kelian! =x yuxiu going 16 years old then you just turned 15!! lol! dont use yr long long long fingernails & scratch me liao hor! haha! I think I should buy a nail clipper for you as your bday present! good idea?! :D okay la, must study hard next year ah!! N' levels! dont always go to band then never study.. good luck ah! && most importantly, BE MORE MATURE PLEASE! haha!!! sometimes it feels really comfortable when the wind blows towards your face! but today, I got irritated by the SUPER STRONG WIND at dhoby ghaut!! it was damn freaking sunny & the wind was so strong! this made me feel so headache! make me feel so pekchek then dont have the mood to ask! -.-' last day of work tmr! omg! it's like FINALLY ~~ had been working for the past 2 mths! so tired! I dont mean physically! I mean that I was so sick & tired of asking surveys! kanna rejected so many times but I get used to it already.. & it's like doing almost the same thing everyday! super sian! -.-''' I think I have to stay at home on 31st dec! cause I have nowhere to go! LOL! everyone is so busy! I think I can just stay at home & sleep and watch the countdown show at 1030pm! cause there's jeanette, qiyuwu, daiyangtian, milubing, daren! still got somemore that I like but I forgot le.. haha! aiya,, see how lo.. skarli last minute got ppl ask me out! lol! but better dont call me to go to those CROWDED PLACES, please! I HATE IT! lol! somemore it's 31st dec! ((: I feel like changing my blog url, but I dont know what to put.. anyone got any opinion that what should I change it to?!?! if got, tag tag tag!! haha!! getting sian of this same url.. LOL! xD btw I will post the christmas celebration pics on the next post.. cherry just sent it to me.. then it's 3.10am now! i must go sleep! haha! if not i will be very tired later on, during my work.. lol! I need at least 12 hours, but i know i can never sleep for 12 hours at this time! :p okay, im going to sleep now! takecare everyone! bye~!! :D |
♥ Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 8:43 PM
HELLO EVERYONE!! GO TO THIS BLOGSHOP!! I slept at 11am today! it's morning already! =x I woke up at 815pm!! haha!! I'm gonna be like owl.. LOL! didnt feel like going out today.. sorry xiaobai that I didnt meet you.. cause it's abit troublesome for me to go UT then go back home for just a few hours of slacking.. too lazy plus waste bus fare.. sorry ar!! & I didnt go out with elaine & her dad to have dinner.. I'm sorry too! cause my mummy had bought me food.. cannot waste the money & food ma.. haha!! so sorry abt that!! working tmr AGAIN! sian! nvm, tuesday will be the last day of work.. that's great! but school is reopening on friday, 02.01.2009!! wed is the last day of year 2008!! a new year is coming by!! everything will start to change! in a better way, i hope! actually everything is changing everyday! lol!! yes! & i think this friendship really ended!! this can really be a small small tiny problem.. but you escaped from this thing & now it became like that.. I know it's not yr fault at first but I think it's yr fault now! nvm if you still think you are at no fault.. cause i think that you will always be thinking that you are right! it's okay for that, it's yr character! you are really so much different from us! ya be frank, i know you dislike us now & we dislike you too! so just let this friendship end!! we will just be a stranger next time.. |
♥ Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 11:51 PM
(time edited, it's 28 dec, 720am) sorry it will be all words! cause I still havnt get the photos.. went to compass point with reb fanshu! we went there to watch the little nyonya roadshow! hehe (: super long didnt go for this kind of event le! haha! then grace came & looked for me.. actually not me, she's looking for guohuiwen(zhenzhu).. haha!! this was the very 1st time i see a shopping mall was flooded with PEOPLE! omg! & it's singapore artistes' roadshow not overseas one! the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th storeys were all full with ppl! the ppl were all jammed there, like how the cars were jammed at the custom! LOL! they even stopped the escalator to let the ppl to stand there & watch.. not exaggerating at all please! it's all real! not only young ppl, there's old ppl, small kids.. & many came down as a whole family! haha! many little small girls were wearing like nyonya too! omg! that's super cute lo!! lol! this seems that little nyonya was indeed a success! woah, that's great! grace, reb & i went to the place where they are going to alight.. so we will have a better view of looking at them.. we aren't kanna blocked by those tall ppl.. guess what, we kanna blocked by the small kids!! you know why? cause their parents put them on their shoulder! so we manage to see only their hair even when they are on the stage! that's super funny! haha! go there to see their hair?! hell, no! so we decided to go B1 & shop first then wait for the event to finish.. then we go back to the place where they alighted just now. cause they will go back the same place to board the bus.. so we manage to see jeanette, yuwu, daiyangtian, huiwen, joanna & more.. LOL! the most important ones are jeanette, yuwu & daiyangtian! haha! almost everyone went crazy when jeanette came out! omg! :D & huiwen was so so so much different from the show & the real life! omg!! but didnt manage to take photos of them, but got a small video! :D actually not very clear but at least we've got something! haha!! acc grace to pizza hut & eat.. she's tired of queuing so she went pizza hut! such a rich taitai lo! LOL! not yet taitai la! rich girl ~~ haha! we were talking abt ghost stuffs, so scary! lol.. reb & i took bus 965 to woodlands while grace took another bus.. went to popular then to metro.. then reb followed her dad & auntie.. I went to yewtee & meet xiaobai & phil.. we did art again! LOL! at the same place! until around 3am plus lo! I spent money on cab again, midnight fare somemore! no choice, there's no train or bus! haha!! I think I will be slacking at home tmr.. NO! I shall say it in a good way, I will be resting at home tmr! haha!! use internet & msn!! most impt is MOBTV!! little nyonya, wait for me!! lol! okay gtg sleep now! good night everyone! eh, no! it's morning already! haha!! good morning + goodnight = good nightning!! |
@ 11:50 PM
(time edited) I hate that feeling! I had it at abt 1 or 2 years back! & I have it again now! I'm not sure what's the actual word to describe it! I just hated it alot alot! I feel rather down tonight! & I just found out that I dont have a closest closest closest friend in my life! not even half! I looked like I have but actually not.. I do have close friends, but they have their other friends who are even closer! so in another words, I dont have a closest friend at all! it's pathetic that I dont even have a closest friend! sometimes I really feel like crying somewhere.. where no one can see me, no one can find me, no one can hear me! & shout out loud! shout whatever I want to! maybe this will make me feel better! somehow I desired a closest closest closest friend in my life.. I hope to have a friend whose totally belongs to me & forever mine! ya I know it's a stupid wish.. cause it's damn difficult to have a friend who is totally yours.. but I still hope that someday there's really a person who is my closest closest closest friend! & will shower me with love and care! that would be so great! I really dont have a closest friend?? I've been thinking will it be her, her, or her! but in the end, I know that they have their friends who are even closer.. I just didnt know that sometimes I'm really lonely.. I dont have someone who really show concern to me! sometimes I feel that I'm just a extra, everything will be the same even with me or w/o me! & now I really hope to have at least 1 ! just 1 will do! I always listen to music to make me feel better.. but there's no use already! ya.. maybe have but only a little.. I never know that I needed all this so much until tonight! |
♥ Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 11:41 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS! ya I know it's late! haha!! I just get back my internet so ya.. really had fun with my TOOTIES!! & now I know that the christmas lighting was so so so beautiful!! I didnt blog for so many days so i will start from the date which i missed.. & it will gonna be a super long post!! sorry if there's some tiny little things that make it so long! 22.12.08(monday) went to work again.. didnt manage to do alot of surveys.. there's plenty of sales ppl & so little of shoppers! lol! then xb & i went to meet philana at causeway point.. we went to burger king to have our dinner but i never eat. haha! xian came down after her work too.. we shopped, shopped & shopped.. then xian went home and the three of us went to watch twilight! the movie was quite interesting!! haha!! in between the movie, there's something happened.. a guy was sitting next to me, not exactly next, is next next! haha! xb & i were talking softly when the show still havnt start.. then he shhh us! before he shhh us, he already called me to keep quiet.. then after the show had started, a group of ppl came in & sat behind us.. then they were laughing, that guy called them to keep quiet too.. I think one of the girls was abit not happy. then she put her leg on the chair that no one is sitting.. & she purposely put it near to the guy's face.. after awhile, that guy turned behind & said: "eh 很臭(very smelly) lei.." f right!! that guy was abit too what lo.. baichi one! LOL! after the movie then we went home le.. 23.12.08(tuesday) went to IMM with xb & haohao.. we went to mos burger to have our lunch first then went to daiso! we shopped for super long! searching for alot alot of christmas stuffs!! & in total we spent $40 there! haha! then we went to philana's house.. went there to make the cards, decorations, props all the things for the party.. we spent the whole night doing it.. & we do until the next day morning, abt 10am plus.. LOL! then i took cab home.. 24.12.08(wednesday) & 25.12.08(thursday) sleep from 12pm plus to around 4pm plus.. then quickly prepared & went to phil's house again! TOOTIES get to celebrate christmas tgt!! haha!! we ate spagetti for our dinner, which was made by haohao, xb & phil.. haohao was the chef! LOL! the serving was big! haha! cherry & i didnt manage to finish it.. & the others just try their best to stuff the spagetti into their mouth! haha! then we changed to our costume after the dinner.. took photos all this then we decided to go to yewtee with our costumes & slippers! went there giving out candies & saying merry christmas to the passerby.. it was kinda paiseh! LOL! but it was super fun though! haha! we even went to 7-11 & asked: "Do you sell magic potions?" HAHA!! both of the 7-11 ppl showed us the same reaction! they laughed! we even sang merry christmas song outside the control station! we went to the foodcourt too but lucky there's isnt many ppl there.. it was extremely funny! haha! then we went back to phil's house after the strolling.. we started to exchange the presents & cut the log cake.. & xiaobai got the best dressing award!! PINOBAI ~~ haha! bong & i didnt get any present cause timyee & ahboy were not there. they will give us the present next time.. but I still get card from phil, picture from cherry & candie from bong! thanks alot!! ((: I LOVE TOOTIES ALOT!! hehe :D after that bong & cherry went home first.. the others fell asleep except for peiyi, xb, phil & me! we were chatting but after awhile peiyi & i fell asleep.. then xb & phil went to sleep too.. we were all sleeping on the floor! LOL! with no mattress, only pillows! we woke up at around 11am then slacked until 12pm.. then we went to foodcourt to have our "breakfast".. haha!! went home with xian & chicky after the breakfast.. I slept from 2pm to 830pm! lol! I stayed at home the whole day & night on the actual christmas day! haha =x actually I was going to look for xb at oldcourt but it was kinda too late.. so I didnt go.. stayed at home & watched little nyonya on tv.. not on mobtv cause there's no internet! sian! but the internet is back! lol! then started to edit some photos.. then went to sleep at around 3am.. 26.12.08(friday) didnt go to work today & so I woke up at 5pm.. prepared then went to yewtee.. I have to help mummy to transfer money first.. the deposit machines were fooling me.. 1 of the deposit machines was spoiled.. I queued another one, when it's going to be my turn then it spoiled too! hell!! both of the machines were spoiled! & so I didnt manage to deposit money into my account. then I cant help mummy to transfer the actual amount to her friends.. after doing all this then I walked to old court.. intend to play bball today but there's no chance for me to play.. after awhile it started to rain.. then xian, chicky, xb, phil & me went to 668 to have our dinner. after dinner then we went home le.. I still havent get all the photos from cherry.. I will upload them after I got all the photos! okay gtg now! byebyebyebyebye!! ((: |
♥ Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 11:59 PM
HAPPY BELATED 19th BIRTHDAY TO MY DA JIE!! TOHSHIXIAN!! it supposed to be at 20th dec!! & please stop being so childish!! haha!! grow up!! ~~ must treasure the BIG BIG card we made, if not we will kill you! we spent 8 hours doing it!! 10pm to 6am lei!! lol!! xb, phil, hao & i ton at yewtee! haha!! we were making xian's BIG BIG bday card! reached home at around 7am. slept for around 4hours ONLY then went out with tooties!! tooties helped xian to celebrate her bday today.. ahxian have to take the big big card all along with her! haha!! super dui lian!! "today is MY birthday. MUST wish me HOR!" & "I'm PRETTY,SEXY and LOVABLE".. this 2 sentences are written on the front & back of the card!! everyone was looking & smiling at her.. some ppl wished her too! lol!! we went to chinatown's party world! sang from 3pm to 7pm!! each person $14.30!! haha! after singing, hui & chenming went home first.. then the rest of the tooties member went to central's billy bomber.. xb & i shared a mix grill.. tim, xb & i shared a flavoured cola(mango) & a flavoured cola(chocolate). the food, so-so lo! haha! after the dinner, xian got to do forfeit! as she failed to drink 2 glasses of water in 1 min with 5 straws!! haha! she have to shout "BI(chicky), I LOVE YOU!" while she's at the 2nd floor, we are all standing at the 1st floor! lol! I think she will rmb this year bday forever!! hahaha!! we took alot of photos today!! hehe! :D but there's still some inside xian's camera.. I will upload them if I have the chance to.. I've got to work tmr!! work again ~~ haha!! okay, pictures time ((: 17th dec! see that girl on the right side! hahaha!! friday, 19th dec!! we went to peiyi's church! xiaobai & i ! the light effect was super nice!! (: 20th dec midnight, so it should be 21st dec!! we were all busying with the bday card!! ![]() |
♥ Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 11:59 PM
got back my results already! I'm not satisfied with it but nvm.. It's over already! I should have get grade 1 for my maths & chinese! I should have get grade 2 for my science! but there are things that really surprised me!! I get grade 2 for my combined humanities, which I never had it before! & I get to pass my amaths!! LOL :D I'm so delighted that I can actually did well for my combined humanities! OMG! hahahaha!! XD my grades: english - grade 4 chinese - grade 2 e.maths - grade 2 a.maths - grade 4 science - grade 3 combined humanities - grade 2 therefore my 3 best subjects = 6 pts!! in conclusion, I am able to promote to sec 5! haha!! lucky that all my girls are able to promote to sec 5, except for wanzhen! we wont be seeing her next year in sec 5!! T.T ! I will miss her lame jokes!!! yanru, cuitian & hannah are so stupid! hahahaha!! =x I bluffed them that I wont be able to promote & they believed it! lol!! yea, I know that they will be very sad if I really cant promote! :P I know that they will miss me!! wahahahahaha!!!! :D & we still have to go back to school tmr to hand in the blue colour form.. okay gtg sleep now! byebyebye ((: |
@ 3:03 AM
I'M GETTING MY N' LEVELS RESULT TMR!!! no, practically TODAY!! it's 18th dec, after 12am!! it's 3.05am now! I cant sleep! I'm gonna blog all this before I go to sleep!! I'm super extremely worried abt it! so anxious! omg! I'm thinking abt what to do if I cannot promote!! I really have no idea!! I have been thinking for so many days!! worrying abt this everyday!! all of us gonna know our results in less than 24 hours!! I JUST HOPE THAT EVERY OF MY FRIENDS & I WILL PROMOTE!! for the sec 4 NT friends, I hope that they can get good results & get a good course in ITE!! I WILL MISS YOU ALL(sec 4 NT)!!! you all should know who you are!! :D we must keep in contact!! OKAY??? :D didnt work today(17th), mx & xb were not feeling well then it's hui & cm anni.. so in the end nobody work today.. slept till around 4pm.. prepared then went to UT and meet xb & tim.. bought mac for lunch then went to tim's house.. ahboy helped xb to dye her hair!! finally, but xb haven go cut her hair! haha!! then meet reb & jer at around 8pm.. went to JP1.. we went there to find qian, we waited for her to release from her work.. then we all went to look for jiahui at precious thots!!! FINALLY I SAW HER TODAY!! I MISS HER SO SO SO MUCH!! haha!! we slacked then took mrt home at around 11pm.. so I reached home at around 1145pm.. I chatted with xian & cm!! laughed & laughed!! haha!! went to shower at around 2am, i think.. okay there's nothing I can blog abt le!! HAHA :D so im still worrying abt my results!! LOL!! relax relax ~~~ everything gonna be alright!! haha ((: I will upload the photos next time.. okay gtg now!! byebyebyebye!! :D |
♥ Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 9:38 PM
I slept until 830PM!! haha! I reached home at 2am.. went out with xiaobai & philana ytd to buy the decorations for christmas.. we are celebrating at philana's house.. haha! so we went to dhoby ghaut.. they went to yoshinoya & eat, so I watched them eat.. haha! no la. I bought a drink! lol!! then we went to shop at spotlight & daiso! & we were actually helping phil to find what to buy for her costume... end up, she bought 3 new shirts for NEW YEAR!! hahaha!! but we did found her costume.. lol! we leave at around 945pm.. took mrt back.. I alighted at woodlands & they continued the trip to UT.. I didnt go home, I went to my cousin's house for mahjong! haha! it's super near my house so I agree to go.. mahjong till 155am then I went home! haha! my another cousin's bf drove me home, then they went back home too.. so I reached home at 2am! haha! actually going out with phil & xiaobai again.. but I was too tired so I skip it.. in the end ahboy & timyee went out with them.. haha.. they went to buy the christmas tree.. hope they found the christmas tree then! okay gtg now.. byebye!! :D |
♥ Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 11:58 PM
I'm here to blog again!! too sian liao! I'm chatting with xiaobai on phone now.. we are talking abt there are what characters for christmas.. (eg. santa claus, reindeer, blah blah blah..) we cannot think of alot lei.. cause we are going phil's house during christmas eve.. then we are going to have a costume party, going to have a theme of christmas.. but we cant think of many christmas characters!! omg!! then we talked until alot stupid stupid stuffs! damn damn funny lo! imagine if you want to act as snowman.. put alot of cotton wool on yrself then put a cushion inside.. then look like a... CHICKEN WITH WHITE FUR!! LOL!! okay, I'm going to watch little nyonya now.. mobtv just put ep 18, 19 & 20 le!! haha!! k byebyebyebyebyebyeeee!! :D |
@ 5:51 PM
I will just write a short post today.. no time!! haha! I'm sick for a few days le! hai -.- fever + sorethroat + flu + headache + giddy!! so I didnt went to work this week, except for wed.. I forced myself to go!! lol. but im getting better le!! think should be alright now.. haha I'm going play basketball le!! hahaha!! we have not been playing for around 2 to 3 weeks! OMG! I cant stand the feeling, my hand feel so itchy!! I WANT TO PLAY! :D little nyonya is getting more & more interesting!! I'm so excited about it!! lol!! jeanette so keai!! & qiyuwu so shuai!! hahahaha!! getting my N' levels result SOON!!! next week! could it be 18 dec?! everyone is saying it will be at 18 dec.. we all shall wait for the news!! dai yang tian!! he's a newcomer! super shuai one! haha!! ![]() qi yu wu!! another super shuai de!! ![]() ![]() |
♥ Monday, December 8, 2008 @ 6:08 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BENJAMIN ONG CHER MING!! haha!! I slept at 9am today!! haha! yes, morning! lol! I was watching little nyonya! xiaobai was watching it at her house too, she slept at 8am! haha!! watched until ep 14 le!! JEANETTE & QIYUWU damn keai de!!! HUAN WO JI TANG!!! ~~~ hahahahaha!! you all will know if you all watch until ep 14.. super super funny!! haha!! woke up at 4pm just now.. slept for 7 hours only, that's super not enough for me.. I think I'm gonna sick soon.. OMG!! my throat was super duper pain.. & I think there's a ulcer inside inside my mouth.. super inside.. I cant even see it when I stretch my mouth big big.. I put alot alot of salt but seems that even salt wont help! I'm at yewtee mac with ahxian now.. she has recover.. but I rather she was sick than she was alright! hahahaha!! we are waiting for the SUPER SLOW POHXIAOBAI NOW!! okay gtg now! xian nag nag nag!! haha! she want to use the laptop! lol! byebyebyebyebyebyebye everyone!! :D |
♥ Sunday, December 7, 2008 @ 11:54 AM
went out with KHOYANRU today!! that basket ~~ haha.. it's like finally.. I think I have not been seeing her for abt 1month le.. I know she miss me so she ask me out! LOL!! eh takecare of yr "O BA KAK"!! hahaha!! we went to far east but both of us didnt know the way there! some sort of missing, but just awhile.. suddenly she rmb the way there.. lol! went to kfc & eat.. hui & cm were at far east too. so we went to find them.. then we acc yanru to EXTEND her hair!! hahaha!! her hair is long now, longer than mine! lol!! but she didnt know how to tie it & how to shower! she's too stupid!! =x then yanru & i went to UT and meet xb.. went to the usual place we slack, philana came as well.. chatted & discussed where we should go & what we should do on christmas!! then went back home at around 11pm plus.. getting our TOOTIES TEE soon!! I DAMN EXCITED ABT IT!! WAHAHAHAHA :D okay pictures time ((: see brownie's fur?! there's alot but v. diff to see it!! I just found his fur at my red jacket just now!! haha!! ![]() but alot gone missing & it left with only 1 !! haha!! ![]() yanru & i !! didnt take photo with her for soooo long!! |
♥ Friday, December 5, 2008 @ 11:59 PM
oh.. my elder sister is sick! her temp is 39.2 degree at first.. after putting the cold towel on her forehead, her temp is 38.6 degree.. then, after a few hours of sleep, as for now her temp is 38.1 degree.. ALL THANKS TO ME! wahahahaha xD & our room aircon is not on!! I'm super duper extremely hot now! I'm sweating! I hope to on the aircon right now man ~~ OMG! I hate being hot, it's feel so so so uncomfortable!! hai,, we cant get our pay today as xian didnt go to the office.. so no choice, we have to get it next week then.. we went to tampines & ask for surveys at the century square.. the linkway from century square to tampines mall.. THE PPL THERE WAS DAMN RUDE & UNFRIENDLY!! we were all freaking pissed off after asking for around 5.. imagine that we only asked for 5 then we were pissed off.. when we were at other places, we can ask for around 20+ then will feel ABIT dulan! but now it's just around FIVE SURVEYS!! omg! nvm, it's over now & i hope we dont have to go there anymore! I can go there to shop but NOT for asking surveys!! okay, pictures time!! :D did I show you all this before? haha!! that's super funny! dont say I bad! it's not my idea to capture it! MY ELDER SISTER!! haha!! ![]() xb drew this when we were resting!! ![]() a cooked prawn w/o it's skin, only it's head & flesh! haha! ![]() before!!! after!! haha!! no la!! how can she eat so much?! it's with the help of meixin & i !! :D super nerdy photos starts here!! I have never seen so nerd ppl before!! she's LIM MEIXIN!! TOH SHIXIAN!! & LASTLY, TOH SHIWEI!! :D hui, meixin & i !! on the way to work.. same persons but diff day.. ![]() okay gtg now! byebyebyebyebyebyebye everyone!! |
♥ Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 11:51 PM
almost everybody is getting sick nowadays.. my house is full of germs & bacteria! & dont know if whether will I get sick anot.. my elder sister has fever & she's coughing in every 15 min.. my younger sister has cough too! haha! xiaobai is going to sick soon.. meixin is also sick! OMG! BUT I dont think I will!! wahahaha! :D BECAUSE I'm strong & healthy! LOL! met rebecca on monday! haha! finally ah ~ I bet she miss me alot! & she blogged and say I miss her! oh no! that's totally wrong! haha! we went to jurong point to find yiqian & yuzhen.. they were working & we went there to acc them!! ((: then went home after that.. had been working la, so nothing to post abt work.. haha! but today, there's a idiotic, cb, kns & rude girl we met!! hui approached a guy while xiaobai approached his friend, who is a girl.. that guy was abit willing to do it but suddenly that girl ask xb something.. CB GIRL: how much yr earn? xb:...(wanted to answer her) CB GIRL: 50cents or $1? I think I better go find a better job! then she pulled her friend & walked away quickly.. hui: CCB!! KNN!! ( shouted damn loudly ) if I were there & not waiting for other ppl to finish the survey.. I will jitao scold that CB GIRL like what hui did! sibei dulan lo! so act for what! fucking bitch! I know that scolding ppl bitch is not good, but seriously she's one! there's no link at all.. what she mean by she better go find a better job?!?! that's not her job what! & our pay is not 50cents or $1! it's alot alot more.. I think she wont get even 1cent when she's working! that idiotic, cb, kns & rude girl, fat ASS!! nvm, it's over! she will get her retribution for it!! curse her for being so rude!! okay, gtg and sleep now.. going to work again tmr!! :D |
♥ Monday, December 1, 2008 @ 4:10 AM
I was really damn dulan with my younger sister.. what she treat her family as?!?!?!?!?! she lent her bf my socks, my pe shorts.. I was quite dulan that she lent him my pe shorts last time.. to let a guy wear my short, who is her bf! hell man ~~ that were my stuffs, you know?! even though I know him, so what? socks was still okay.. MY PE SHORTS! WTH -.- I DONT LIKE! my elder sis & i were very angry abt what had happened ytd.. my younger sis has probation & has to come back before 9pm.. but she came back at 10pm+ ! then my mummy called me & scolded me for not taking care of her!! & said I didnt tell her to come back before 9pm!! she was like 15 years old already, still need me to take care?!?!?! she can already take care of her own! thought that she's still a 3 year old kid?!?!?! BUT NO!!! she was always giving me those stupid attitude whenever I talk to her!! she only talk nicely to us once in a blue moon.. & I told her for fucking times that she has to come back before 9pm.. she dont care, then what can i do?!?! I told my mummy that if she really scared my younger sis wont come back! just kill her la.. since she's such a burden to us! the money she earn for 1 week, $250, she can just spend it in 1 day.. not trying to save it! wth is she?!?!?!?! need everyone to TAKE VERY GOOD CARE OF HER?!?!?!?! what she thinks she is, PRINCESS?!?! HELL NO!!!! my mummy called me 2 times & scolded me for the same reason.. then she kupped my phone for 2 times!I HATE TO BE KUP! & because of that stupid, idiotic, fucking hell girl! when my dad called her bf & scolded him.. then my sis told my mummy that my dad is not her dad anymore!! her bf is so so so so so much impt than my father! when she needed money then she call him papa! wtf! what she treat my father as? BANK?!?!?!?! my dad called my elder sis too.. he scolded her for not coming back home.. when her bf can only come back on weekends from NS.. cause my younger sis said that since her other 2 sisters are not at home.. why must she be at home?!?!?! the thing is we dont have any probation.. & stay at home with you to let you give us yr fucking attitude?!?!?! my elder sis & i were scolded by our parents because of her!! hell! so what she's my younger sis.. she doesnt even treat us as her elder sisters!! we will always kanna scolded because of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & that's not the first time already.. fucking hate her stupid attitude! she doesnt even care abt the family at all.. ONLY HER FRIENDS & HER LOVING BF!!!!! |