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♥ Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 9:38 PM
having this motivation workshop for these pass 2 days.. if someone ask me that if this workshop help me? before the workshop started, I would say "no. it's just a waste of time & money".. but after I attended it, I would change my mind & say "yes".. ya, indeed it's abit brain-washing like what jervis said.. but it's really quite true for some.. especially what our trainer, danny, had said today, abt parents.. at first he talked nicely.. after some students saying that sometimes parents are irritating, naggy, bias & more.. he was frustrated & shouted at us, & he's honestly told us that it was all planned.. at first I'm abit angry abt him shouting at us.. but after he talked abt all the facts & truth, I teared, in fact some others teared too.. after he called us to close our eyes & tilt our head down to think.. he told us a imaginary story abt our own parents.. in summary, the story was like us treating our parents badly, shouted at them or anything bad.. then 1 day, during our bday, they were at our house downstairs & ourself at home.. suddenly myself, heard a loud crash! I went down & saw my parents lying over there, taking my bday cake & so they died during our bday.. that was rather sad you know! & thinking back that how myself got into this world? how I grew up from baby to a child to a teenager, like now? how I manage to overcome so many things?? every every every lil things!! if I dont have them, I can say that I'm nothing to this world.. I wouldnt even come to the earth without them! I bet that everyone in the class cried, not only cried but cried damn badly! my eyes & nose were like fountain, flowing down continuosly & I really cried badly just now!! most of our eyes were swollen! omg! even the guys cried! really! I must really really really treasure my parents from now onwards!! even I know that they wont see this, but I must still say it here! I swear that I REALLY LOVE THEM ALOT!! mummy & papa, I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! & as for my darling fanshu, dont be sad! I know why you cried until so badly just now! really! even though you had lost her, but yr other 8 GIRLFRIENDS will still be there for you! even if they dont, I WILL! but I bet they are not like that! haha! dont worry, I would always be there for you, be yr listening ears! ya & I know that we cant simply take over her place but we will still be there! and you should know we all love you! okayokay? dont be sad anymore!! muacksss! & lastly must let me to ton at yr house ah!! hahahaha!! (: I will post the overdue photos next time! (: I will reply the tags next time too! I'm exhausted already.. |
♥ Monday, January 26, 2009 @ 2:48 AM
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! HAPPY 牛 YEAR!! haha!! hope 2009 will be a great year to everybody! :D cabbed down with my family to my uncle's house just now.. went there to eat reunion dinner.. I make up lei! my younger sister helped me with it! HAHA! it's miracle hor!! I MAKE UP!! hehehehe xD dont worry, I did take photos! haha! but I'm not going to put it up now cause I'm tired! LOL! went there to eat & watch tv show only.. LOL! went back home at around 10pm.. watched channel 8.. it's 250am already! haha! I'm going to sleep soon.. going to bai nian tmr! GAMBLE! LOL! :D k goodnight! byebyebyebye (: |
♥ Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 2:58 PM
22.01.2009!! :D we sang birthday song for yanru & rebecca ytd during recess time.. super loud! haha! so paiseh. LOL! =x the mok mok never go school, she was sick.. haha! we kept on singing bday song to reb when we walked back to the auditorium.. we were even singing when mr adrian ng was talking. went home straight after school.. sleep for around 45min, prepared & went out to meet xiaobai.. went to bugis street with xb, carol & syabil.. walked until my legs were so tired.. & I FINALLY BOUGHT MY NEW YEAR CLOTHES!! yiqian, where's yr new year clothes???? hahahahahaha!! xD then we took bus 960 back.. they alighted somewhere near UT.. I alighted at woodlands interchange.. walked to civic centre to find yanru & jenny, went home after that.. 23.01.2009 chinese new year is coming, we gonna have a long weekend! HONGBAOS!! lol! & the stupid yanru pon school today! LOL! we all were so high when we were watching the performance! LOL! jervis, kangqi, yiqian, kaiying, cuitian, yelicia & me kept on laughing all the way.. then yiqian & kaiying kept on shouting into marilyn's ears.. haha! so paiseh.. jervis & me were even worse! singing & shouting like nobody business! the mokmok & yelicia laughed at us! especially that jervis sia shapo! haha!! so crazy.. LOL! when it's near to the end of the performance, marilyn asked why we not high liao? hahaha!! yiqian & me answered her, we were tired already.. lol! super thirsty! thirsty plus tired! lol! but overall, it's fun la! :D I went home after school! look, how obedient am i! haha! I'm going to play pool with xian later then going to play bball in the night.. k, I'm gonna take a short nap.. I will reply the tags next time when I online again, cause I'm very tired now. byebyebyebyebye!! :D |
♥ Sunday, January 18, 2009 @ 1:41 AM
I'm at the stupid elaine's house now! haha! she's going to thailand tmr! for 1 week.. & she will be skipping classes for 2 weeks!! 1st week in thailand, 2nd week CNY & workshop.. that's good but she will miss alot alot of lessons! maths, history & blah blah blah.. LOL! xD we will miss you! maybe only yr crap la! hahahahaha!! =x must miss us too! okay?! & buy alot of things for us! haha! we are more keen in the presents! LOL! jkjk la.. we where got so bad.. hahahaha! k gtg now.. byebye.. & better dont let her see this! if not I will _____ !! haha! |
♥ Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
oh gosh! didnt come to my blog for so many days.. I'm ABIT too busy after school reopened.. always bball-ing or homework, homework & homework! hehe! I have been going to school late or absent.. always overslept, so in the end I will choose not to go :P it's only the 2nd week, im late for 2 times & absent for 2 times. HAHA! I have been a good girl since the 1st day of school! I will do my homework nowadays, not only do, I COMPLETE THEM! lol! that's really obedient! cause I have not been doing this for the past 4 years! =x we didnt go slack so often now!!! even if we go mac, WE WILL TAKE OUT OUR HOMEWORK & DO! wahahahaha!! so proud of myself! lol!! okay, lame -.- haha! aep until 420pm today.. I went to the toilet alone while the others went home or went other places.. I walked down to the 3rd floor, trying to act cute and walked to another staircase.. thinking of going down from another staircase.. yeah, lame! wasting my time only.. maybe I'm abit too bored. haha! on my way to the another staircase, I saw 1 lonely girl, sitting inside her class.. LV 47! haha!! she's alone inside doing her homework.. so kelian.. I'm a very good person so I acc her to do her homework.. I treated her biscuits which I bought earlier then acc her to go toilet.. then we went find ct at the cafeteria after she completed her geog.. after awhile, she went home.. I'm a good person right?! choose 1 from these 2, YES or YA! LOL! =x diao -.- ! I'm getting lamer & lamer each day.. haha! btw that lonely girl was kaixin! haha! I have training today but I didnt train as my ankle still not fully recovered.. & so, I did my history essay, I told miss koh that I will do it.. I smsed her but she didnt reply me so she cannot blame me for not handing it up today :D went to mac with reb, then ct went home.. acc reb to eat her dinner then we went home.. okay it's going 12am already! I think I better off to sleep NOW! if not I will be late again! haha!! |
♥ Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 7:56 PM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YUXIU!! 16 years old already!! haha!! good luck for yr N's this year!! jiayou ah!! :D & thanks for yr chocolate! I overslept today so I didnt go to school.. that's lucky for me.. I can get to sleep longer & I dont need to go to training! training today but i dont know how to go train.. cause i cant find my sport shoes!! I've searched everywhere that have shoes! no sport shoes for me! LOL! how am i suppose to train? then I wanted to buy a new one, but im only left with $100 in my bank! wtf! how to buy?!?! I still havnt buy my new year clothes! shucks man! I'm always vexing abt MONEY!! I really hope that my parents are millionaire! haha!! ytd yiqian & i were late for school, just 1 minute! omg! then we have to report on wed, thurs, friday & next tuesday.. 725am for wed, thursday & next tuesday.. 710am for friday.. we have to reach school at 725am on next tuesday! WTF! so early, everyone supposed to reach before 840am on tuesday.. then we have to reach at 725am! hell! what they want us to do?!?! so early, waste my time! sian! btw something that all of you wont believe!! we went to library on both monday & tuesday! LIBRARY! we didnt go there to make noise! haha! we went there to read books! LOL!! please believe it! it's truth!! we are going to ngee ann poly tmr! OPEN HOUSE AGAIN! haha! we are going there to take goodies! LOL! same as last year!! haha! okay gtg now! byebyebyeee!! |
♥ Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 12:43 PM
omg! I have to rewrite everything again! cause i forgot that i copied it then havnt paste then i copy another thing! shucks! okay nvm!! haha!! school started already.. I have homework for the 1st day! haha! I think we are gonna die for sure, will drown in the world of books! lol.. AEP gonna start on the 2nd week.. no slacking anymore! jiayou! jiayou!! haha! went to play bball on friday! finally! ~~ tooties members's stamina had dropped! all panting like hell! haha!! yanru came down as well, she didnt go to school that day! she overslept!! haha! PIG! went to eat cup noodles after bball-ing.. oneal, pete & jerome came to the same place, so coincidence + suay! =x we were crapping all the way until we went home.. went to cut my hair on sat with xiaobai, carol & keshin.. we went to lot one first.. saw yanru at newyork2 working.. we waited the cut hair aunty for 2 hours + ! there's a small boy, super super irritating! omg! cannot stand him! at first we still thought of playing with him.. we found him quite entertaining in the first place but he's too far! keep shouting, carol buay tahan then she scolded him.. he stopped for awhile cause he's scared of carol.. but after awhile, hai.. you all should know what happened, right? haha! went to carol's house after our haircut.. carol & me went down to play bball.. after the lights off, hao2, yong2, oneal, syabil, carol, keshin & i played games.. police & thief, catching & more.. it's all running games! omg! too long didnt run then my stamina had dropped! kns! lol! super tired! haha! we played true or dare too, but only true.. haha!! I know alot of new secrets! :D went back to carol's house,, slacked.. yanru came at 12am ++ ! xb went back home at around 3am+ while yanru & me went to 7-11.. bought titbits then went to her house.. I saved the midnight fare & stay at her house.. haha!! we slept at around 5am.. woke up at 11am.. she went to work then I cab home, my mum called me to!! lol!! the blogger doesnt allow me to blog the camera pictures.. so i can only post those hp photos.. she squeezed herself into this cage!! lol! ![]() ![]() see the christmas lighting, it's so beautiful!! haha!! ![]() |
♥ Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 4:34 AM
omg! I have that feeling again! wtf! why?! I cried over this problem! stupid! so what if i dont have a couple of ppl to talk to?!?! sometimes it's not good to talk to someone else too. skarli that ppl betray you or whatsoever.. then that's even worse right?! aiya just crap la! have a couple of friends to talk to are impt to me! but I dont have that! wth! nvm,, time will tell!! but when will it be?!?! HOPE SOON THEN! ((: Labels: stupid fcuking thinking.. |