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♥ Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 4:48 AM
It's 450 in the morning now! why do i wake up so early?! haha! actually i still havnt even sleep! why do i still awake at this time? I'm playing games + tmr is a school holiday, in fact it's today! haha! my elder sister is going to work later & she will be bringing the laptop back to her office.. so if i want to use, i better use it now! LOL! but I'm going to sleep soon, I lose to my tiredness! I feel that my eye lids are as heavy as a big rock! omg! it's shutting down very very soon! hahahaha! k lame but im really wore out.. I'm going to bed now! btw the weather in SG now are not very good.. either too warm or too cold so everyone please take care of yr own health! drink more water! at least 8 glasses a day! & rmb to eat fruit.. an apple a day, keeps the doctor away! LOL! takecare everyone~! goodnight + good morning = GOOD NIGHTNING!! hahaha! |
♥ Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 9:09 PM
especially my mummy! haha! for me, of course it's her!! I slept at 9am today, woke up at around 3pm! stayed at home the whole day but not night.. my family & i went out to eat dinner together just now.. it had been so long that we didnt go out and eat TOGETHER! though we went to the nearest coffeeshop & the food doesnt taste nice today.. BUT we still had alot of fun.. my 7th aunt came tgt with us too.. my mummy & her jokes are still so funny, always that funny! LOL! we went home after our dinner.. I really hope that every mother had a really happy day today! I hope my mummy had a happy day too!! (: my mummy is a very important person to me! she give her unconditional love to me no matter what!! I love you, mummy! muacks! |
♥ Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 1:31 PM
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!! I'm blogging now! I can blog! haha! my elder sister brought her office's laptop back then we use others' wireless! I dont have to wait until a month then i can post.. but after today or maybe tmr, i dont know when i will be posting again. 1st of june is approaching! very very soon! ah!!!!!!!!!!!! I must get A1 or A2 for my chinese! all the best to me!! I must go to the night-classes more often to do my amaths & emaths! the new chapter I had just learnt this week is ultimately difficult! haha! that's too exaggerating but it's really difficult.. I must do more practice of it, it's a combination of trigo & differentiation! omg! im not good at trigo + im not good at differentiation too! LOL! but I also have to find someone to acc me! I'm talking abt someone.. hahahahaa!! if she got read my blog then she will see it! MOK CUITIAN! haha!! it's okay if you are going with yr classmates but I just need to sit with someone i know.. if not very lonely! hahahaha!!! went to night-class ytd.. I sacrifice my bball time to go & do amaths! I did my amaths' homework until 9pm! I only left with 1 hour to play basketball.. BUT i'm going play bball later! finally not a routine of 1 time in 1 week! this week I get to play bball for 2 times!! hehe :D & I've got load of photos to post! haha.. yiqian's bday celebration! it had been so long ago! hahaha! yiqian n me! kaiying n me! omg! eww, why do we have to kiss her?! |