It's more than one month since I post! Hahaha!
Common test just finished, feel so relaxed, but I will still ba having my exams a few weeks later, that;s pretty sad!
I must get an A for my modules but I really dont know how to deal with my computing technology!! I'm pretty lousy at that!
I'm so worried that I can't pass my com-tech!
It's over already, I shouldn't dwell over it anymore!
I must work hard to get into UNI for the sake of cherry!
Cherry, I miss you a lot!
Philana dreamt of you, that you were having pain last time when we all cried!
Philana say she shouldn't cry anymore so to make you not pain!
I must not cry even if I really really miss you a lot!
I hope to dream of you too, so long since I talk to you!!!
We will try to go and visit you asap!! (:
Take care of yourself up there!
I had lots of fun with xiaobai's classmates for the sentoa and BBQ!
Thanks for all the fun that they gave me!
We cycled for around around 30km, from Ecp to changi village!
We saw a lot of ah gua there, 1 of them scolded us!
It was like damn damn scary!! We all just chiong and ran away!
Ton the whole night at Ecp, reached home in the morning that day!
Though it's really tiring but I really had lots of fun with them!
I have photos to put up!
For carol's bday, KL trip, sentosa, cycling at ecp and BBQ!! :D
Cycling at ECP!